Top 10k strings from Tasks (1983)(Gilsoft International)(16k).tzx
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [TZX] /
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4 " To play 4 TASKS - GILSOFT 4 T.Gilberts 2 l=l+(k$="6")-(k$="7"): 2 g$="------------"( 2 c=c+(k$="8")-(k$="5"): 2 a$="0123456789": 2 a$(cc)=b$(i): 2 a number game 2 Your move 2 Taskmaster is moving; 2 THE NUMBERS GAME 2 TASKS 2 Press any key to play the game 2 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 2 ;ld;" lives." 2 ;g;" lives.": 2 ;g;" Reversal";("s" 2 ;"Word is ";g$; 2 ;"Number ";a$; 2 ;"END OF GAME": 2 ;" of treasure!"; 2 ;" WELL I'M GOING TO NEW! " 2 ;" TARGET ";t;" "'' 2 ;" NUMBER ";n;" " 2 ;" GILSOFT presents 2 ;" WHAT!!! You don't want to play another superb game of TASKS!! "; 2 -c;" 2 *o;" secs to calculate" 2 )+("+-*/"(o 2 (1-8) ";pm: 2 '"You have ";10 2 '"The anagram is ";a$ 2 '" The thorn bushes ' 2 '" Also in the maze are a numberof invisible points, where the 2 ' that formthe hedges will sting you if youstumble into them." 2 ' must traverse the mazeusing the cursor keys (5,6,7&8)to the exit ' 2 ' collecting asmuch treasure ' 2 ' as possible." 2 "to a mental arithmetic problem;" 2 "Solve an 2 "ROSTA","RACE","PRICE","MENDING","WALL","COMPUTER","PENCIL","ROUND","HELIUM","ATOMIC" 2 "MATTER","BREACH","RUN","SMILE","SIMILE","STEREO","ROBOT","SIMPLE","CROSS","DESIGN" 2 "LIP","ROTOR","BLADE","KNIFE","WONDERLAND","CASSETTE","SYSTEM","STALL","SMUDGE","INK" 2 "''" You have completed 2 " To guess the word in ";ld;" goes.": 2 in ";ll*2 2 and repeat this sequence at each step." 2 and order the following string in ";x;" goes." 2 and change ";a$;" to ";d$;" using only"'"+,-,* & / and numbers 1 to 9.": 2 and "''" Gained `"; 2 Your solution is ? 2 Your operation (eg +7) 2 Your guess 2 Would you like another go 2 The TASKMASTER challenges you! 2 Target - (58-98) 2 TASKMASTER 2 Press any key for instructions 2 CONGRATULATIONS 2 Block to reverse = 2 you must choose a target number from 58 to 98, and then you eachtake turns (start=0),adding from1 to 8 trying to hit the target." 2 You have failed the task set 2 The thorn bushes stung you to death when you ran into them. 2 will set you aproblem to solve, before you canpass by. Once you have solvedthis problem you may pass theplace freely." 2 "; 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX